
Javascript-plugins that enliven your web project and some other components as tooltips, tabs, accordion, dialog and lots of other goodies.

  • Accordion Converts the selected page elements in widgets that are commonly referred as accordions.
  • Calendar It will add a calendar on your pages. It is used to select and display dates on the page.
  • Dialogs Transforms block elements (usually div) in dialogs in the middle of dialog's screen.
  • Progress bar Allows you to turn the block-level elements (usually div) in the performance indicators that show progress of any task performance.
  • Range Allows you to turn the block-level elements (usually div) in the control elements, which are usually called sliders.
  • Tabs Allows to turn the selected element into tab system, which helps to split the information in several blocks, providing easy access to each of them and allowing to save some space on the page.
  • Tooltips The tooltips are initialized automatically by simply adding a class .tooltip to the desired item.
  • Autocomplete Allows users to quickly find and select from a list of pre-filled values​​.
  • Carousel Carousel is initialized automatically by simply adding a class .carousel to the desired item.

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